Circle: All the Malls along the Orange MRT Line listed for you

First Published: 18 Nov 2020
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2021

The Circle Line brings you to the evergreen Holland Village where previously you have to take bus rides to get there. Packed with many dining options, Holland Village never fails to charm its visitors. From catching up with friends over a good cup of coffee to great local hawker food to a night’s out with the boys, this is a party place! 

Sport Goers

You will get to see lots of sports enthusiasts like dragon boaters, swimmers, gym goers using this line to get to Kallang Wave Mall. Definitely a place to be seen for sports goers. ​

High Life

Going for a drink in Marina Bay Sands and do not want to drive, this will be the line to get on and you will be there in minutes without having to pay a big price for parking.

Source: LTA Website

Malls along the Circle MRT Line (Orange)

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